Published on 21 October 2015
Shared by an STKCian who wishes to be anonymous
Date: October 16, 2015
Sairam Sreejith,
I am a regular visitor to the Saikingdom.com website (also a Sai Centre member since about 2000, although known Baba much before then).
I just wanted to say that I appreciate the material and the efforts of the team so much!! Thank you. It is a constant source of joy. I read on the train in the morning and then in the evening and also during the day for a little while during lunch!
Personally, despite the fact that I like reading the articles, I have been very skeptical when it comes to dreams. I have never had any dreams of Swami in the sky in relation to a reappearance.
However, I was completely surprised when I had an amazing dream last night..that was totally unexpected!! It is impossible for me to describe or capture the state I experienced.
[The above content is only an intro. To read the whole article, please click on the Read more button below]