I saw an amazing face in the sky!

Shared by: Brother Dinakaran on June 10, 2014 - (in whose house Vibhuthi materialized on 'Sai Thy Kingdom Come' Tamil version)
Source: Facebook page of STKC

Sky was clear....very clear! All of sudden, it started raining heavily.

There were heavy thunderous storms. People were screaming, as it still rained. Then I saw an amazing face in the sky, in crystal form, it was Jesus! Then Swami's face appeared on either side with His crown of hairs!

Posted by : Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma


S.Nagarajan2015-04-02 09:43#
Who are we, a miniscule, nay a nano particle in this vast universe to gauge him and his actions? Every experience written by the devotees are really nectar like!

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Published by Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma

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