A Divine Heavenly Experience
- Published on 20 January 2015
Shared by: Uma Narayani
Date: January 17, 2015
I have been following STKC for the past one and half year. I am a devotee of Bhagavan and I am also very much drawn towards Jesus Christ, since my childhood. While I was staying at Chennai during 2006, I had been visiting a pastor, who is a converted Christian, originally a Telugu Brahmin priest and a great devotee of Swami. This person is a devout and a pious man. When he was serving as a priest in a temple during 1998, suddenly he started getting incessant live Darshans of Lord Jesus. Darshans were so enthralling that he took up Christianity directly during the year 2000. Since then he constantly gets the Divine Darshans and messages from Lord Jesus about His (Jesus) reincarnation. In the same context, I happened to meet him during 2006, while he was working as a pastor in a Church at Chennai.
During those days, I had a vision in which I was in Sai Kulwant Hall and Christmas celebrations were going on, Swami was giving Darshan in His white robes. After Swami was seated in His throne, all devotees in Sai Kulwant Hall suddenly disappeared. There was brilliant light in the skies and many Angels descended with Divine luminance along with a crystal statue of 'Mother Mary holding baby Jesus'. They placed the beautiful statue in the Divine hands of Swami, on His lap! Swami held the statue to His heart and said, "Jesus is arriving".
After receiving this vivid vision during November 2006, I shared with pastor immediately. He felt ecstatic and told me that Jesus gave him Darshan the previous night and told him that He (Jesus) is going to manifest in the womb of Mother Mary on 25th December, 2006. I am so blessed to receive this divine message from both Swami and Jesus through pastor. I have received many dreams and visions on Swami’s reappearance.
Many a time, I have seen Swami with Jesus in my dreams. Today after getting a very vivid dream, I called up to pastor to take his permission to share his experience regarding reincarnation of Jesus along with my dream with the entire STKC devotees.
The Dream
Today morning I had very beautiful captivating dream of Swami. In the dream, I was doing Omkaram at early hours at Swami’s Maha Samadhi. I felt some electrifying energy passing through me. Then I suddenly opened my eyes and saw a series of glowing lights or stars falling from the skies, one after the other at some place in Prashanti Nilayam. I instantly stood up and started running towards that direction. I reached a huge building and stood beside a tree. I heard divine melodious tunes from the building along with mesmerizing fragrance. Then suddenly one more glowing light started descending from the skies. I immediately slid behind the tree, as I was a little bit scared as well as enthusiastically excited. I saw there, a beautifully glowing light, transforming into a radiating man (I felt he was an angel or deity or some supreme soul). Similarly many more sparkling glowing lights descended in front of my eyes and transformed into divinely glowing men and women. Silently hiding myself from them, I walked into the building, following them.
To my absolute wonder, I found there, a marvelously decked up big room. Inside, Swami was sitting on a high pedestal throne and a beautifully divinely radiant Goddess (Goddess Gayatri?) who held the Earth in Her hand, sat next to Him. The Earth She held was emanating some white colored translucent flames from it. A little boy was also trying to hold the globe (Lord Jesus?). I saw many deities seated around Swami and the Goddess, melodiously singing in some language that I could not understand but it was enthralling.
Suddenly, the music stopped and everybody started talking to Swami about how to protect various pious people from various places, from forthcoming purification and eradication process to alleviate mother Earth from evil. They all conversed with Swami and Swami discussed something with them. But I couldn’t understand anything. While my eyes were wide open, observing all this Divine activity, standing secretly at the door of that room, I saw suddenly Swami disappearing from His throne. I was astonished! Then suddenly from my right, Swami appeared and held my ear and said, "Donga! (Meaning: You thief) Are you watching Me secretly from here, without My permission?" I was stunned and shocked and just froze with this unexpected appearance of Swami and apologized to Him, saying, "Sorry Bhagawan!.. Swami! With great curiosity and great excitement, I followed all these angels (deities)" For that Swami seriously said, "Ok! Now that you know that I have taken physical form and returned to Puttaparthi, will you keep it confidential?" Saying thus, He intensely raised His voice. I got frightened and with tears I said, "Yes Swami!"
Then Swami immediately burst out into a big laughter and hugged me tightly and said very lovingly, "No no! Now you tell everybody that Swami has taken physical body and returned to Puttaparthi on Vaikunta Ekadesi itself!"
With this captivating Divine heavenly experience, my dream ended.
Sai, Thy Kingdom Is Magnificent!
Thank you My Lord.. My Swami.. My Bhagawan!
Jai Sai Ram!
Posted by Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma
Jay Sai Ram
It is mentioned in the Hadith 1400 years ago that JESUS would to assist THE MAHDI (who is Swami)
It is also said MAHDI will DISPPEAR and then RE APPEAR to being PEACE to World.
There is no explicit reference to the Mahdi in the Qu'ran, but references to him are found in hadith (the reports and traditions of Muhammad's teachings collected after his death). According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdi's tenure will coincide with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Isa), who is to assist the Mahdi against the Masih ad-Dajjal (literally, the "false Messiah" or Antichrist).
Love All Serve All
Jai Sai Ram
Thank you for this very important information regarding Jesus helping Mahdi in fight against evil. This helps to give insight into why Swami has chosen to return as the TRIO. This is all very Sacred.
Sai Baba is all names and all forms of Divinity. He, Himself, stated that at the right time He will be using multiple forms (both the Sathya form and other forms) for the task of bringing in the GOLDEN AGE.
The TRIO is the SAI TRIO.....meaning that Sai has returned in THREE SAI FORMS......meaning that Sai IS all three forms......FATHER MOTHER CHILD. It is not that Swami needs help from "someone else." Swami IS all three forms of TRIO........Sai as Father Sathya Sai Baba; Sai as Mother Gayatri; and Sai as Divine Child Krishna/Buddha/Jesus/Shankara/Ramakrishna.
Sathya Sai Baba is revealing this infromation.....through more and more and more individuals...just as He said He would. These individuals seem very very legitimate. From everything I can see, the persons Sai has chosen, to bring forward His Divine Messages, are of the Highest Character.
I am so happy about these Divine Developments.
Om Sai Ram,
Jim Martineau
absolutely enthralled to read sai sister uma narayani'as dream. wow! thank you ! jai sai ram !!!!
It is just a Superb Dream !! I pray, ' May God give such Wonderful Dreams to you and others, more and more before
HE MANIFESTS in His ' SATHYA SAI ' Form Physically, before the eyes of the Whole World '! We, all are waiting for
that Holiest Day and the Greatest Event on the planet Earth / TriBhuvan !!! JAI SAI RAM. SRI SAI RAM, OM SAI RAM.
"Through your daily avocations and activities you can realise the Lord, believe Me! The gopees are the best examples of this, the best proofs. Remember ever the Name of the Lord with agony of unfulfilled search and remember ever the beauteous Form with the agony of being forced to be away---and, you too can see Krishna in your midst. That yearning must be there: then, the result is certain."
Baba: March 1963 www.sssbpt.info/ssspeaks/volume03/sss03-08.pdf