May the Lord's Glory illuminate this earth
- Published on 20 February 2016
Shared by: Bhaktor Yvn
Source: FB page of STKC
Brother Bhaktor Yvn shares the dreams that his wife (Marie) was blessed with:
Sai Ram, I would like to share the two dreams that I had recently and I hope that they will give you strength and hope in the come-back of our beloved Master, Sai Baba.
The dream on February 7th, 2016:
I was sitting in our temple and was meditating in peace; suddenly, our beloved Baba appeared in front of me. I was so happy to contemplate Him in all His Divine Glory. He smiled at me tenderly and softly sat on my knees. He spoke for long, but unfortunately I remember only the last part.
Beloved Baba, with all His love, said, "Marie, time has come to establish the Golden Age on the whole planet." Saying thus, He stood up and then we found ourselves in the Cosmos. He showed me the earth that was far away and very dark.
Then, He started to cast a big light on the earth and all this energy had dissipated the darkness away; giving back the life to all spiritual and human values. Then, I saw all the different countries wonderfully elevating in the celestial light and it was so magnificent to see. The dream ends here.
The dream on February 10th, 2016:
On the night of February 10th, while meditating, I heard Sai Baba telling me, "I will reveal to you a secret that will encourage you a lot."
That same night I had this superb dream of our beloved Baba:
I was sitting right on the side of my marvelous Master. He was sitting on a throne of glory and He shone like the sun, such love and light radiated all around Him. I gazed at Him in all adoration, and I was so happy to be close to Him. Suddenly, I see a big mirror behind Him. Then one big ripe apple fell in my hands and I saw over Baba’s throne, branches of a big beautiful red apple tree, real ripe and shining.
Sai Baba looked at me with His beautiful smile full of love and I told Him, "Baba, a big apple has fallen in my hands." He then told me this with a playful and teasing look, "Yes, earlier, one did fall just beside Me." and He found this very funny.
Then, He looked at me full of love and ananda (bliss) and said,"Marie, I will tell you a secret. I will make a public declaration and will announce to all My devotees that they will have a big 'spiritual' salary raise!" At that precise moment, Baba materialized a graph on a paper to make me understand better; showing devotees' spiritual salary compared to that of the rest. Beloved Baba then showed me how much the spiritual salary of the devotees will rise, and that would be much more than that of all the beings on the earth. He was so happy to reveal to me this.
I am so happy since I know how the hard life of the devotees will finally be lifted to the Lord’s Glory and that they will get illuminated with joy and happiness.
Then beloved Baba lifted Himself up and said, "Marie, go and take your place now with all the devotees who are gathered around Me to sing the Golden Age hymn beginning." I then take conscience that so many devotees from everywhere around the world were present there with Sai in the center and that a big feast is about to occur. I did not know which group to go to, so I asked beloved Baba to instruct me where I should be. He then showed me a certain group of people and I took my place with them.
Devotees who were present, started asking me to tell them what Baba told me. I then started wondering whether I should tell them about how Baba will be making a public announcement shortly.
The dream ends here.
Jay Sai Ram
Posted by: Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma
Let Your Light be in all I say,
Let Your Light be in all I do,
Lord, let my heart reflect from You,
Your holy love, Your peace, and joy,
Let my life shine for You, Lord!
Oh God, Light of the world, my Friend,
Fill me with Thy Light and send
My heart, my mind, and all my being
Into the world Your light to bring,
Your Truth in all You do through me
From now until eternity.
In God’s Name, Amen.
Lots of SAI love for you and all
My good friend - Dr Armida Fernandez- a Catholic , who has no particular belief in Baba is at my home. Both of us are standing together in the small room in my home- which is generally dark. There are a few other people-8-10 standing together 3 feet away from us.
For some unknown reason, all of us are standing with our eyes closed. Dr Armida says - "I am getting blessed" ; I open my eyes to look at her, then close it again ; we stand this way for a whole minute , and as we open our eyes - the room is bright, there is an extraordinary brightness filling the room and I point this out to the others - that this is the sign of blessing. As I wake - I get the feeling that the Golden Age has arrived.
I was aware that I was dreaming and my conscious mind was saying, "I have to remember this so I can write it down when I wake up. Then I woke up and even though my eyes were still closed all I could see was light! What a blessing!
OM...May ALL the beings in the universe be happy and blessed!