His disappearance was only temporary


Shared by: Anna Niemczyk

Source: Facebook Page of STKC

September 7th, 2014:

Today I had a dream about Swami's return. I was in Sai Kulwanth Hall. Then I saw Baba materialized Himself and started speaking through the microphone...

Immediately (in the dream) I sent SMS to my friend in Poland about this great news. (She does not believe in Swami's reappearance). In the dream however, I wasn't sure if Swami would stay for long. Then again in the afternoon I saw Swami. This time He was smiling and waved to me. Now I was certain that Swami had RETURNED and would stay longer. Then I sent the next SMS to my friend with this news. I wrote to her that Avatars do not leave in such a way and that His disappearance was only temporary.

Best regards and stay in Love
Jai Sai Ram!

Posted by : Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma

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Published by Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma

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