The sky is no limit!
- Published on 21 October 2015
Shared by an STKCian who wishes to be anonymous
Date: October 16, 2015
Sairam Sreejith,
I am a regular visitor to the website (also a Sai Centre member since about 2000, although known Baba much before then).
I just wanted to say that I appreciate the material and the efforts of the team so much!! Thank you. It is a constant source of joy. I read on the train in the morning and then in the evening and also during the day for a little while during lunch!
Personally, despite the fact that I like reading the articles, I have been very skeptical when it comes to dreams. I have never had any dreams of Swami in the sky in relation to a reappearance.
However, I was completely surprised when I had an amazing dream last night..that was totally unexpected!! It is impossible for me to describe or capture the state I experienced.
I found myself in a crowd of people. Suddenly the atmosphere around me changed. I felt like the air itself became charged with something wonderful that affected everyone. It was like a 'tangible' experience. There was a feeling of great happiness for no particular reason. All of a sudden, many lights appeared in the sky and then I saw Baba raising His hands in blessing in multiple places in the sky.
The whole experience was very clear for a dream. At least it felt that way when I woke up, very uplifting!
I do not know what to make of this experience. I think it is to be interpreted symbolically rather than literally (although it would be great if something like this really happens!).
I do feel that Swami will have to come back in the same form. Actually, without reappearing, I find it hard to believe how the whole world will come to know. I hope that there is another chapter to Baba's life that is yet to unfold.
Thank you.
Jai Sai Ram!
It is not only hard how the world would come to know about our Lord God. It is even harder to know how to solve the horrendous mess the world has now got sucked into. No politicians nor any world or religious leaders could dig the human race out of this devastating situation mankind is now facing. Only God can restore and bring peace and sanity back to mankind. I personally cannot see the Golden Age coming to pass without His return in His physical form in order to transform the world.
Baba stated that the last five years of His earthly life would involve with the unification of all faiths before finally leaving the world aged 95 years. This very important mission is yet to be accomplished. He will very be 90 years of age in November. Have faith He will soon return to fulfill His Advent.
Baba has blessed you with the dream, brother. Thank you very much for sharing it.
With Sai Love,
"The thread called God is present in equal measure in all humans without distinction, promoting unity of mankind —this is the principle of Hiranyagarbha. Hiranyagarbha assumes a subtle (sukshmam) form during the dream state —the form of the Atma. This means that Hiranyagarbha is one who is awake during the dream state.
Viraat creates everything in the waking state. Hiranyagarbha creates everything in the dream state by mere willing. Every object is created by will alone. Whatever is seen in dreams is created by Hiranyagarbha."
Summer Showers in Brindavan, 31 May 1991
Well interpreted and this is what will certainly happen.Thank you anonymous sai brother/Sister.