A crucial clue



A crucial clue - Awaiting His physical presence on the 90th Birthday!!!

The Divine Statement (on the occasion of the Avatar's 79th Birthday - November 23, 2004):

(transcript) "Embodiments of Love, Today is Bhagawan's Birthday. As the body is born...and the body is 79 years old. 

Does Bhagawan look like a 79 year old? No!

Not only now, let that be 80th birthday or 90th birthday, Bhagawan will remain like this.

Bhagawan will never submit Himself in the hands of anybody!"


...Now we eagerly await the 90th!!!



Joy2015-11-01 00:48#
"It was declared that Raama was born of the paayasam which was brought by the deity from out of the sacrificial fire. No Avathaar is born flesh and blood, including this Avathaar. The body of the Avathaar is chith (awarenessful) substance; it is not jada (inert) like other materials. The embryo of ordinary mortals is jalodhakashaayi (enveloped in watery stuff) ; the embryo of the Avathaar is encased in Ksheerodakashaayi (the pure white milk of holiness). That is why in the make-up of the Avathaar, there is no blemish, there is no trace of Guna."
Prasanthi Nilayam, 1963-02-04


"THIS is not Swaami's illness; this is an illness which Swaami has taken on, in order to save some one. Swaami has no illness, nor will He get ill at any time. You must all be happy; that alone will make Swaami happy. If you grieve, Swaami will not be happy. Your joy is Swaami's food."
Gurupurnami Day, 1963-07-06
KARTHIKEYAN2015-11-01 11:21#
Yes. We Will Wait Patiently. Thank You. Sairam
Apurva2015-11-01 16:59#
Absolutely!!! Awaiting with sincere love THE PUBLIC APPEARANCE OF OUR BELOVED SWAMI!!! The GOLDEN AGE AND THE GOLDEN REIGN!!! SWAMI .................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW YOU ARE HEARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
radha2015-11-02 09:13#
Sairam !!! quite true... Swami, we are waiting with bated breath... Love You......
suneesh2015-11-03 13:35#
Lol but Swami will look much younger. When He said to me, "Yes I have returned", He was very young like in His 30s or 40s.
suneesh2018-12-02 13:13#
Lol. This was my comment. 3 years passed!
Latha Sairam
Latha Sairam2015-11-19 16:43#
My Word will never fail! -Baba
Latha Sairam
Latha Sairam2015-11-20 13:21#
Today is "20th" November 2015, "Friday"


Source: www.saikingdom.com/articles/all-articles/603-a-vision-in-the-sky

Sri Vasantha Sai's Vision:

On 15th October, 2013, Yamadharma Raja told Sree Vasantha Amma during her morning meditation, this - "AN EVENT WILL HAPPEN ON THE 20th AND ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WILL KNOW. Swami will come on the 23rd (3 days later)". He did not mention which 23rd.

Source: www.saikingdom.com/devotees/dreams/679-the-significance-of-pradosham

“Swami, When will you be visible to all?”
Swami said, “I will come on a Friday!”

Source: www.saikingdom.com/devotees/dreams/678-dreams-of-sai-rupesh

O Dear Lord Sathya Sai, Thy Kingdom Come...
...Come May It Soon!
niirmal2016-04-11 18:40#
Swami will surely come.He has to give proof to the world that Amma is His Shakthi.
Latha Sairam
Latha Sairam2016-05-28 08:04#
"Not only now, let that be 80th birthday or 90th birthday, Bhagawan will remain like this."

I believe Swami will reappear before His Birthday- 23rd November 2016.
Swami♡.... We are waiting for You. Please 'Will' Thy Magnificent Kingdom to come soon.
Latha Sairam
Latha Sairam2018-11-12 05:30#
A Clue: Swami says HE will remain young ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!!
"Not only now, let that be 80th birthday or 90th birthday, Bhagawan will remain like this."

Keeping my fingers crossed. Jai Sairam!
Sais2018-11-24 02:03#
Lataji, Swami will decide when, where and how to come right? Then why we have to give our predictions every time. Sometimes I get a feeling that because of this human predictions He is postponing His imminent return :)... So isn't it better to keep the hunches and opinions within ourselves and not to broadcast it. Anyways there's nothing much anyone can do during the time of rapture, when Swami returns, other than being pure ourselves... Sairam
KARTHIKEYAN2018-11-26 03:06#
Dear Sai’s I disagree with your opinion as you say Swami knows everything. But that doesn't means we should not anticipate or make an analysis of his date of return. That is not a sin. In one day, we talk of many things which are not useful or much related to worldly things which is a worldly game. Then talking about Swami’s date of return or related to that, only amounts to contemplation of Swami or we can relate this analysis of Swamis date of return as to solving a divine puzzle or playing a divine game. Here win or loss doesn't matter. Only participation is necessary. if someone is not interested he may not do any analysis or just watch this Divine game. Secondly you say that just because humans make analysis, He is postponing. This point of your view is incorrect. Do you think that Swami will change His mission or plan just because humans talk about it? In past years due to jealousy, many people in the internet have written wrong and false things about our Swami. Because of that, had Swami stopped His mission responding to humans? Swami will reach His mission irrespective of Humans making analysis or not. Humans cannot make god to delay. Humans cannot control Swami’s return just by making an analysis. He will return as He has planned. Anticipating or analysis of Swami’s return is the reason is what STKC stands for. “Participating in this Divine game (analysis) without attachment” is the one Sai’s should go for. whether Swami comes on that date or not, you should not be disappointed or dejected as you should understand that devotees making analysis is also only a part of this Divine game of Swami’s return. Getting disappointed “if someone’s analysis does not happen” is the weakness. Instead we should try to be strong and believe in Swamis words and remain unfrustrated when someone’s analysis does not happen. That is also a part of plan. Here in this forum lataji has not made any personal decision about Swami’s when, how and where to come. She had made an analysis only based on Swami’s dreams in which Swami has Himself decided and gave some clues. I can see there is no personal decision of lataji but only an analysis based on Swami’s dreams. Hence any devotees can make an analysis which is only a part of this Divine game.
Latha Sairam
Latha Sairam2018-11-26 03:57#
The actions of the Lord are precisely calculated, yet, remain colossally beyond human calculations. Devotees who speculate on the dates are happy and joyful to do so for it gives us all a reason to talk about Him. That's all. 

Is it not Beloved Swami’s Grace that the discussions on the 'probable' dates of His 'pending' Return, have only led to further thoughts about Him? It is something to constantly indulge in while leaving the rest to the ever expansive indomitable Will of our dear Mother Sai.

Latha Sairam
Latha Sairam2018-11-26 04:19#
Sairam Sais. Swami will never postpone His return just because we hope Swami could return on a certain date based on dreams and visions posted @STKC and based on The Sacred Nadi Readings. Infact Swami enjoys such things.

If you haven't read this article, kindly read it.. Sairam.

There is no delay. This period of Grace is granted to us to get ready:

Latha Sairam
Latha Sairam2018-11-26 04:32#
Sairam Sais, Sharing my humble thought.. When Swami reveals someone's future where he/she will be with HIM from the moment HE reappears, that person will always (each and every moment) long for that to happen soon. What a Blissful feeling it is!
O Dear Lord Sathya Sai, Thy Kingdom Come Soon!

BTW: Thinking of compiling a list of dreams/visions & from The Sacred Nadi Readings about Swami reappearing in December'18 and post it soon. Sairam :-)
Prashant Kumar
Prashant Kumar2018-11-28 05:16#
Dear Sister,

What i feel is that there would be some sign before His return. May be some natural disaster or war as many devotees have seen it in their dreams. Your faith has kept my hope alive. May Swami bless us again with His Divine Darshan sooner. His delay is not His denial.
radha2018-11-27 05:38#
Sairam....on Dec 1st 2016,when I was keeping flowers for Swami's photo,I told HIM " The countdown begins " and the next moment the flower fell from HIS photo..I was so sure that HE will reappear before that month end but it didnt happen.. This year on oct 23rd I had a dream. In that dream people are walking fast to and fro and the general feeling was that Swami is coming ..I am standing in the first floor and looking through the window trying to see HIM.. suddenly there is a hush and I see people running ( like how it used to be when Swami is coming ) and I know that Swami will appear any moment... I crane my neck to see HIM and Lo!!! I woke up... later I realised that it was Sri Vasantha Sai's 80th birthday that day and I knew that Swami had given me an assurance about HIS reappearance ( she is supposed to merge in HIM when She is 80 years ) . My gut feeling is that He will definitely reappear before next oct... If it is Dec as Latha Sairam hopes n predicts...will be the happiest person on this globe.. Lets wait with loving prayer in our hearts.. JSR !!!
Latha Sairam
Latha Sairam2018-11-28 06:04#
Sairam Radha. Just thought of sharing this with you. In 2016 March when I went to Mukthi Nilayam, a staff of Mukthi Nilayam told me that Swami will reappear anytime now or for sure by the end of 2018." He said that is the timeline. Let's hope and pray. Jai Sairam.
Venkat ramana P
Venkat ramana P2018-11-28 17:07#
|| Om Sri Sai Vasantha Sayeeshaya Namaha ||

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