A Vision in the Sky?
- Published on 21 April 2012
Sreejith Narayan
A dream from Swami (Sri Sathya Sai Baba) can happen only by His Will. It is real and conveys a clear message to the concerned devotee.
Swami appearing in dreams is very auspicious […] Dreams are reflection, reaction and resound of that which is within you. The same does not apply to the dream in which Swami appears. Swami appears in dreams only when He Wills it, and not when you want them. (Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 31 Chapter 44)
With Swami’s Grace, I have been fortunate to listen to the experiences of many Sai devotees who share similar belief as I do that Swami will be back again. While some of them do not believe that Swami would stay on as before, they all think that there could be large scale miracles and His “appearances” or “visions” to masses in multiple parts of the world. Few devotees even had dreams about Swami’s reemergence. As we know, Swami’s dreams are not stretches of devotee’s imagination. To provide a gist of such dreams, they are clear indications to the concerned devotees that Swami will be back in the same physical form. Some devotees also had astonishingly identical dreams about Swami appearing in various places simultaneously with many people around the world claiming to have seen the vision. I came across excitingly similar prophecies mentioned in some scriptures, the details of which are provided in the book "Sai Thy Kingdom Come".
Only time will tell what Swami has in store for all of us. But from the dreams and experiences of various Sai devotees, I am convinced that we are in for something spectacular.
Commented in STKC blog on July 26, 2012 at 4:58 AM
I saw a huge gathering in an open space, occupying the entire area. They were sitting and looking at the sky, witnessing this procession, keeping palms together & chanting 'SAIRAM'.
The dream ended.
Sai, Thy Kingdom Come...
...Come May It Soon!