Dr.Krishan Dev Sharma (Translation: Punjabi)
With Swami's Grace, the Punjabi Translation of Sai Thy Kingdom Come - SAI YUG AAYE was dedicated at His Divine Lotus Feet on the auspicious day of Gurupoornima of 2014. The translation was expertly done by Dr.K.D.Sharma, Coordinator of Books & Publication Division, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation of Punjab. Dr.Sharma is also the in-charge of Sanathana Sarathi in Punjabi language.
Translator's Note - By Dr.K.D.Sharma:
(Translated from Punjabi)
I am the resident of village Jandwal (now Hoshiar Pur) situated in the Panjab state of India. I saw that before the partition of India and Pakistan, the Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians used to live in harmony and loved each other but during the partition days, the love of people changed into hatred. People forgot the human values and started behaving like demons.
In order to create love and peace among people, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba incarnated in Puttaparthi (Andhra Pradesh, India), on November 23, 1926. He started His mission to inculcate human values and love among people. He preached the importance of human values and selfless service to devoties from India and abroad and to the total mankind. He stressed on the concept - love ever, hurt never. Service to man, is service to God. Due to these efforts, a large number of devotees of different countries and of different religions started coming to Prashanti Nilayam and started living with love and affection.
The writer of this book, Sri Sreejith Narayan, is a staunch devotee of Bhagawan Baba. He has written this book named, Sai Thy Kingdom Come in order to propagate the preaching of Bhagawan Baba. It is a unique book. In this book, he has given the examples of Avatars such as Mehdi, Isa Masih and about the Avatarhood of Bhagawan Baba. The confirmation of His Avtarhood has been authenticated through Nadi granths (books) and many miracles which confirm that He is the Avatar of this Kali Yuga.
Baba left His mortal coil on April 24, 2011, when He was 85 years old. Though Baba had declared to live for 96 years, He transferred the sufferings of His devotees on Him to cure them and left His mortal coil earlier than declared. Since Baba said that His words would never fail, keeping this truth in view, the writer has depicted his views for the reappearance of Bhagawan Baba. This to me appears to be hundred percent true. The writer has also written about the golden age. This book contains real facts and this will fill the seed of love and selfless service among people since the same single soul is present in every living being. Keeping this fact in view, it can be safely said that creating troubles for others would mean creating trouble for oneself. Let’s say, someone writes a registered letter to us with some nasty content that could hurt our feelings. However, if we refuse to take that registered letter from the postman, the hurting contents would return to the writer of the letter. Thus, we should never utter such words to anybody that could hurt one’s feelings. So, we should talk lovingly to all.
In the end, I am grateful to all those devotees who helped me in the translation of this sacred book, in Panjabi script. Among them are Sri Manmohan-Sushma Kapoor (India, now America) who introduced me to the original writer, Sri Sreejith. This book will prove as a guide-map to all Panjabi readers. I am also grateful to my son, Dr. Rakesh Sharma, Daughter Anu Sharma, daughter-in-law Dr. Babita Sharma, son-in-law Dr. Manoj Sharma; grandchildren Saksham, Smiksha, Sachit, Rajit and Engineer S. Karanvir Singh (who helped with the computer), who inspired me for this noble cause. Though I have taken extra care to translate English into Panjabi, yet some errors might have crept in. These are mine. Errors if any, will be corrected in the next edition. I, therefore request the worthy readers to pardon me for any shortcoming.
In Sai Seva
Dr. K. D. Sharma