Now the time has come for Me to return to earth


Readers may recall the articles titled May the Lord's Glory illuminate this earth, This is the time for the gifts and A Golden Age Awaits!, which were based on the experiences of Marie Perron. Marie has shared a few more recent powerful dream experiences that she had regarding Swami's Reappearance.

By Marie Perron

Dear Sreejith,

(original French text follows)

I am sending you 3 dreams that I have just had about the return of our beloved Master. If you think it might interest Sai devotees, you can post them on your Sai Kingdom site.

1st dream:

Beloved Baba comes to me and He is old and very thin, as if He was dying. He comes very close to me and tells me this: "The end of time is very difficult to live." And at that moment, He gently closes His eyes, as if He was dead. He looks like the holy face of Jesus. Then after a few years, He opens His eyes again and says: "It's time to come-back!"

2nd dream:

I am sitting on the ground in a divine temple and have been doing spiritual discipline for years, offering with all my heart, sacrifices, prayers and praises to God, to purify my whole being. I am regularly attacked. In spite of all my misfortunes, I remain focused on God and listen to the directives of my beloved Master, meticulously following all that He teaches me for my spiritual discipline. Other devotees are also there in the temple, when suddenly Sai Baba appears sitting on His heavenly throne near me. I get up immediately and give my greetings to my beloved Lord by offering Him all my love. He looks at me tenderly and asks me: "Have you finished your spiritual ritual Mary?" I say "yes" to Him. Then, beloved Baba gets up saying this to all the devotees present: "I withdrew from the ashram and the earth to observe and test my devotees. I wanted to see what they could accomplish when I was not physically present and if they integrated my teachings well. Now the time has come for Me to return to earth."

3rd Dream:

I am at Sai Baba's Ashram and a crowd of people are gathered there. My partner and I are sitting in the back row. Suddenly, Sai Baba the King of Glory appears on the stage in the front. He looks much younger, about 50 years old and in great shape. He remains there a few moments, then goes back to His apartment. I am so happy and dazzled to finally have the Darshan of my beloved Master that I say this to my spouse: "We are really lucky to be able to see our beloved Lord. He returned in His form to give Darshan to His devotees." At that moment, inside myself, I say to beloved Baba, "Are You coming to see us? I would love to see You so much!" Suddenly, Sai Baba the glorious King comes out of the mandir in front, crosses the crowd of devotees and comes directly to us. He stands between Yvon my spouse and me and gives some spiritual advice to my spouse. Meanwhile, I am moved to see my beloved Lord standing close to me. I am in a great inner peace so much that His divine love fills my whole being. At that time, beloved Baba turns His gaze on me and smiles tenderly with so much love. My heart overflows with happiness so much that I am happy to contemplate His divine form with tears running down my cheeks. Beloved Baba then passes His arm behind my back and He squeezes me gently in His arms with so much love. I snuggle up against Him while drinking from His divine love. Then He tells me, "I have to take care of all My devotees" and goes to see His devotees who are so happy to see our beloved Master in His physical form.

In Sai's love,

Marie Perron Brin

Cher Sreejith, je vous envoie 3 rêves que je viens de faire à propos du retour de notre bien-aimé Maître. Si vous croyez que cela peut intéresser les dévots Sai, vous pouvez les publier sur votre site Sai Kingdom.

      1er rêve : Bien-aimé Baba vient vers moi et Il est vieux et très maigre, comme s’Il était mourant. Il est tout près de moi et Il me dit ceci : La fin des temps c’est très difficile à vivre. Et à ce moment-là, Il ferme doucement les yeux, comme s’Il était mort. Il ressemble à la sainte face de Jésus. Puis après quelques années, Il ouvre à nouveau les yeux et Il dit : C’est le temps de revenir!

      2e rêve : Je suis assise par terre dans un temple divin et j’effectue une discipline spirituelle depuis des années, en offrant avec tout mon  mon coeur, des sacrifices, des prières et des louanges à Dieu, pour purifier mon être entier. Je me fais régulièrement attaquer. Malgré tous mes malheurs, je reste tourné vers Dieu et j’écoute intérieurement les directives de mon Maître bien-aimé, en suivant méticuleusement  tout ce qu’Il m’enseigne pour ma discipline spirituelle. D’autres dévots sont là dans le temple, lorsque soudainement, Sai Baba apparaît assis sur son trône céleste tout près de moi. Je me lève aussitôt et je fais mes salutations à mon Seigneur bien-aimé en Lui offrant tout mon amour. Il me regarde tendrement et Il me demande ceci : As-tu terminé ton rituel spirituel Marie? Je Lui déclare  « oui». Ensuite, bien-aimé Baba se lève en disant ceci à tous les dévots présents : «Je me suis retiré de l’ashram et de la terre pour observer et tester mes dévots. Je voulais voir ce qu’ils pouvaient accomplir lorsque je ne suis pas présent physiquement et s’ils ont bien intégré mes enseignements. Maintenant, le temps est venu pour Moi de revenir sur terre.»

3e rêve :  Je suis à l’ashram de Sai Baba et une foule de gens sont rassemblée. Mon conjoint et moi sommes assis à l’arrière dans la dernière rangée. Soudain, Sai Baba le roi de gloire apparait sur la scène à l’avant. Il a l’air beaucoup plus jeune, environ 50 ans et surtout en grande forme.  Il reste quelques instants, puis Il retourne à l’arrière dans ses appartements. Je suis tellement heureuse et éblouie de pouvoir enfin avoir le darshan de mon Maître bien-aimé que je dis ceci à mon conjoint :«Nous sommes vraiment chanceux de pouvoir voir notre Seigneur bien-aimé. Il est revenu dans sa forme pour donner son darshan à ses dévots». À ce moment-là, je dis intérieurement à bien-aimé Baba : «Est-ce que Tu vas venir nous voir? J’aimerais tellement cela Te voir!» Soudainement, Sai Baba le Roi glorieux sort du mandir à l’avant et Il traverse la foule de dévots et Il vient directement vers nous. Il se tient entre Yvon mon conjoint et moi et Il donne quelques conseils spirituels à mon conjoint. Pendant ce temps, je suis toute émue de voir mon Seigneur bien-aimé qui se tient tout près de moi. Je suis dans une grande paix intérieur, tellement son amour divin emplie mon être entier. À ce moment-là, bien-aimé Baba tourne son regard vers moi et Il me sourit tendrement avec tant d’amour. Mon cœur déborde de bonheur tellement je suis heureuse de contempler sa forme divine et des larmes coulent sur mes joues. Bien-aimé Baba passe alors son bras derrière mon dos et Il me serre doucement dans ses bras avec tant d’amour. Je me blottis tout contre Lui en m’abreuvant de son amour divin. Ensuite,  Il me dit : «Il faut que je m’occupe de tous mes dévots.» Puis, Il va voir ses dévots qui sont tellement heureux de revoir notre Maître bien-aimé dans sa forme physique.

            Dans l’amour de Sai,

            Marie Perron Brin


Shantimaya Siri
Shantimaya Siri2019-08-31 15:01#
Om Jai Sai Ram!!!!!!!!!
Anita Narain
Anita Narain2020-03-25 13:22#
Sai Ram to all Baba's devotees. The world is in the grip of a deadly virus and all round the world, people are gripped in fear of the pandemic. However, if devotees will remember, Swami had said in one of HIs discourses, that there will come a time when only the Lord's name will save everyone. That event has come to pass. HIs words can never be untrue. Thus, all please await the time when He will reappear. Lord will come, events are unfolding as predicted by Him.

Chant the Sai Gayatri which will save all of us.

Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu.

Sai Ram
Ben Too
Ben Too2019-09-01 22:05#
The time for our Beloved Lord is almost upon us The world ie now in such a sorry state that wihhout Baba's return to show to the humane race that God truly exisits we human will destroy this wonderful planet earth. We only need to see the climate change, all the pollutions and social disorders we human have caused and are continuing to do so.

Baba's words never fail and I am sure He will come before we human leaves a devastating legacy for the future genaration.

May the whole world witness the coming glourious event to unfold soon.

Sai Ram dear Marie Perron, thank you ever so much for sharing your dream.

Sai Ram dear brother Sreejith, many thanks for all the hard work you have done for all Sai devotees and all. My wamest regards to you and your family.

With Sai Love to all. Ben.
Nicole2019-09-01 22:06#
Sai Ram Marie,
Thank you for sharing those dreams with us all. Wonderful, I pray our Beloved Baba returns to us as soon as He Wills it. This world needs Him and His Divine Love. Thank you again. Love and Light, Nicole
Latha Sairam
Latha Sairam2019-09-02 07:32#
Joy to the World! Thank you very much Dear Sister for sharing these wonderful dreams and the most expected Divine message! Jai Sairam!
Ben Too
Ben Too2019-09-02 13:45#
Sai Ram Marie Perron Brin,

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful dreams. Baba had always stated that whatever He had said will come to pass. He has to return to prevent mother earth from beng destroyed by we human. The world is in such a sorry state - climate change, pollution, destruction of the rain forests, rising crimes, mounting poverty, racial and religious disharmony, etc, etc. Unless all these horrors are stopped the genarations to come will suffer. No one can stop the destruction of Mother Earth except God and I am sure it is about time our Beloved Lord will see to it.

Thank you once again Marie.

With Sai Love,


Ben Too
KARTHIKEYAN2019-09-03 03:42#
One dream can take you where you want to go
Power of dreams is true and you should know
Dreams can take you to another world of fantasy
Dreams can take you where you wish to be
Don't stop dreaming coz that will make you reach
Where you deserve and want to be
The power of dreams is so true
You must know that it's real and true
So dream along in life
And reach where you want to!
maria Graham
maria Graham2019-09-15 02:52#
Dear Marie what a divine Dream, I feel these dreams will come to pass, I myself have had similar dreams, were Swami says He will return for His devottes, especially the ones who have become lost, I definitely, need my Masters heip now, much love maria
Sanjeev2019-11-23 00:25#
Vyom Swami
Vyom Swami2019-09-23 03:22#
Sairam, so happy to read these dreams. Thank you for sharing them. So maybe what we were thinking is true. 2020 or may be this very year is going to be the year we were waiting for.
S.Rani2019-09-30 11:06#
Sairam to All.

"Chere Marie, Merci beaucoup d'avoir partager ces reves ayant un seul message tres rassurant- celui du retour de notre Bien-Aime Sai Baba."

Dear Marie, Thank you very much for sharing these dreams having the only reassuring message of the return of our Beloved Sai Baba.
shehana RS
shehana RS2019-10-10 06:01#
SaiRam, Waiting for that divine sight, Please bless us
Once again to be with Thee my Baba my Lord.
BRUNOM2019-10-11 18:11#
BRUNO2019-11-18 14:25#
pratheba2020-03-09 13:05#
Just await for His arrival. in this happy junction i want remind all that today is Purnima on a Monday and Friday of this week is 13 th where Christians it believe to be Jesus crucified day as every body dream comes true this can be the day for Swamis arrival.just wait for Him
Narayanan K
Narayanan K2020-03-24 16:16#


Do not worry that the New Year implies dangerous prospects. No danger will befall this world. With sacred feelings and divine thoughts, cultivate the spirit of love within. Learn today to fill your hearts with selfless love and adorn your hands with the ornament of sacrifice. Sacrifice is the jewel for your hands. Truth is the beautiful chain you should wear. Develop the habit of adorning these jewels every day in the New Year. Truth is God. Love is God. Righteousness (Dharma) is God.

When you worship God practicing these principles everyday, He will manifest Himself. Do not doubt this! Be prepared to face challenges with love and broadmindedness. Befriend God, you are bound to be successful in all your endeavours! Love God wholeheartedly. You will lead a blissful and peaceful life full of enthusiasm.

Pray with a broad feeling: Samastha Loka sukhino bhavantu (May the whole world be happy)! Cultivate selfless love and foster peace across all nations!


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