This is the time for the gifts

Readers may recall the article posted on February 20, 2016 titled May the Lord's Glory illuminate this earth, which was based on the experiences of Marie Perron, shared with STKC by her husband Bhaktor Yvn. Marie has shared a few more recent powerful dream experiences that she had regarding Swami's Reappearance.

By Marie Perron

(Translated from French)

My husband and I are Sai Baba devotees. We have four children. Our elder one is 32 years old and she is multi-handicaped since birth (she does not walk, does not talk, and still on diaper). Also another of our daughters is affected by schizophrenia.

I had learnt about Sai Baba in a dream in 1994 and after that had many dreams from Him. I did build a strong inner relation with Him, which literally overwhelmed and transformed my heart and my life with Divine Love (Prema).

In November, 1994, I had a dream where He was stating that He would heal my daughter. Years went by and He reaffirmed many times in dreams that He would heal my handicapped daughter but only after ending my spiritual training. Since some recent years, my life has been full of hardships, difficult to live, as hard morally as physically. My spouse has retired at 60 years of age to help me take care of my handicapped child since I was too much exhausted. The only reason to live is my hope in God and the coming back of our marvelous Master Sai Baba.

Since a few months, I had many dreams about Sai Baba that gave me hope that our beloved Master will come back soon on earth, to establish the Golden Age. I am a rather discreet person and I talk about my dreams of beloved Baba only with my children and my husband. But this morning in meditation, I clearly felt that I had to share and get out of my isolation to encourage devotees like me, who are impatiently waiting for the return of our beloved Master.

Here are three of my recent dreams:

Dream 1: (August 9, 2016)

I am sitting just beside my beloved Master and He is so luminous that His energy is radiant all around us. He looks at me with all His celestial love saying to me tenderly, "Marie, we will see the future together" and instantly appears a screen with future unfolding in front of us. I then saw Sai Baba the glorious King reappearing on earth. He was holding a royal scepter of exceptional beauty, conferring Him all power and spiritual authority of God supreme. He brandished the scepter, hitting earth, and a magnificent light got out of it, spreading all over the earth surface. Many Sages were present on earth with Him to spread light of the new Golden Age and it was so wonderful to see this awesome spectacle that will transform all of humanity.

Dream 2: (August 29, 2016)

I am waiting the return of beloved Baba and totally tired of my life of sacrifice. Suddenly, Sai Baba appears in front of me. Strong softness full of Divine love emanates from Him. He walks slowly towards me and takes my hands in His hands, smiling tenderly and giving full of celestial love. Love, that is really soothing, all those good energies, He is so kind to me. Then He rang a carillon and after that He called all devotees with a loud and powerful voice, all over humanity and said, "Come to Me, My children! This is the time for the gifts".  And as He said that, He opened His arms to welcome us. After that I said to Him, "You know that what I desire is not a material gift!"  He then again took my hands in His, smiled softly, and He was full of love.

Dream 3: (September 30, 2016)

I was sitting in a big stadium, jam packed with devotees waiting the comeback of our Master Sai Baba. But Baba had left His body for many years now and devotees were getting increasingly impatient and going away since there was a lack of spiritual nourishment. A large section of devotees were gone and I was saying to my spouse that we should sit and wait, because no way would I miss the arrival of our beloved Baba. So we did go on, hoping His return. Then, all of a sudden, one devotee right beside me, shouts out of joy that he has received a message from our dear Baba. He tries to read the letter, but cannot and so he starts to look for his glasses. I then look at the message of Baba and saw that it was written in an unknown language. Also suddenly, I heard clearly the melodious voice of beloved Baba saying to us, "I will arrive very soon".

Full of joy about this wonderful news, I exclaimed with enthusiasm, announcing to all, "Beloved Baba announces that He will arrive very soon". Everyone is super happy by the great news. Some moments later, Sai Baba the glorious King arrives at the stadium. All devotees gathers around Him and I am in the back of the crowd with my spouse. Then, all of a sudden, beloved Baba looks at me with full of love and says, "Marie is my greatest devotee on earth!" and He asks me to come closer to Him. I came closer and bowed down at His Divine feet. I was full of tears, so happy to see Him. I felt the suffering and the weight of all those years of sacrifice go out of me. Then I look at my beloved Master and say to Him, "Baba my life is so full of adversity; if You do not heal Katherine...Yvon and I will die". Beloved Baba smiles lovingly with much love and compassion and says, "I know Marie. I will heal Katherine".

(Please click here to read about similar experiences shared by other devotees)

After waking up, I felt strongly, the presence of our beloved Baba close to me and I know from the bottom of my heart that He will come back to the earth very soon!

Jai Sai Ram!

French version:

Mon mari et moi sommes dévots de Sai Baba. Nous avons eu 4 enfants et l’ainée qui est âgée de 32 ans, est multi-handicapée de naissance (elle ne marche pas, ne parle pas et elle porte des couches) En plus, une autre de mes filles est atteinte de schizophrénie.

J’ai connu Sai Baba en rêve en 1994 et j’ai par la suite rêvé très souvent à Lui. J’ai développé une relation intérieure avec Lui, qui a littéralement inondé  et transformé mon cœur et ma vie d’Amour Divin. En novembre 1994, j’ai fait un rêve ou Il m’affirmait qu’Il guérirait ma fille. Les années qui suivirent, Il m’a réaffirmé à plusieurs reprises dans mes rêves, qu’il guérirait ma fille handicapée, mais seulement à la fin de mon training spirituel. Depuis quelques années, ma vie est rempli d’épreuves très difficile à vivre, autant moralement que physiquement. Mon conjoint a pris sa retraite à 60 ans pour m’aider à m’occuper de notre fille handicapée, car j’étais beaucoup trop épuisée. Ma seule raison de vivre est ma foi en Dieu et en le retour de notre merveilleux Maître Sai Baba.

Depuis quelques mois, j’ai fait plusieurs rêves à propos de Sai Baba, qui m’ont redonné espoir que notre Maître bien-aimé va revenir sur terre bientôt, pour établir l’âge d’or. Je suis une personne plutôt discrète, et je parle de mes rêves de bien-aimé Baba, seulement avec mes enfants et mon mari. Mais en méditant un matin, j’ai très clairement ressenti, que je devais vous les partager et sortir de mon isolement, afin d’encourager les dévots qui, tout comme moi et ma famille, attendons avec impatience le retour de notre Maître bien-aimé. Voici trois de mes derniers rêves :

1er rêve (9 août 2016): Je suis assise juste à côté de mon Maître bien-aimé et Il est tellement lumineux, que son énergie rayonne tout autour de nous. Il me regarde avec tout son amour céleste en me disant tendrement : « Marie, nous allons regarder ensemble le futur ». Et au même instant, il fait apparaître un écran et le futur se dévoile devant nous. Je vois alors Sai Baba le Roi glorieux qui réapparait sur terre. Il tient un sceptre royal  d’une beauté exceptionnelle, Lui conférant la toute puissance  et l’autorité spirituelle du Dieu Suprême.  Il brandit le sceptre en donnant un coup sur la terre et une lumière resplendissante émane de lui et se répand sur toute la surface de la terre. D’autres grands sages sont présents sur terre avec lui pour propager la lumière de la nouvelle ère de l’âge d’or et c’est tellement merveilleux d’assister à ce spectacle grandiose qui va transformer l’humanité entière.

2e rêve (29 août 2016): Je suis en attente de voir le retour de bien-aimé Baba et je suis totalement épuisée de ma vie de sacrifice, lorsque tout à coup, Sai Baba apparaît en face de moi. Il émane de Lui une grande douceur remplie d’amour divin. Il avance lentement vers moi et Il me prend les mains dans les siennes en me souriant tendrement et en me donnant plein d’amour céleste. Ça me fait tellement de bien toutes ces bonnes énergies et Il est si gentil envers moi.  Ensuite, Il fait retentir un carillon et ensuite Il appelle ses dévots en disant ceci d’une voix forte et puissante à travers toute l’humanité: « Venez-à moi mes enfants! C’est le temps des cadeaux. » Et en même temps qu’Il dit cela, Il tend les bras pour nous accueillir. Et ensuite je lui dis ceci : « Tu sais que ce que je désire ce n’est pas un cadeau matériel! » Il me prend alors encore une fois les mains dans les siennes en me souriant tendrement et en me donnant plein d’amour.

3e rêve (30 septembre 2016): Je suis assise dans un grand stadium qui est bondé de dévots qui attendent le retour de notre Maître Sai Baba. Mais Baba est mort depuis maintenant plusieurs années et les dévots commence à s’impatienter et à partir, car  ils manquent de nourriture spirituelle. Une très grande partie des dévots sont  partis et je dis à  mon conjoint, que nous allons rester assis et attendre, car je ne veux absolument pas manquer l’arrivée de bien-aimé Baba. Nous continuons donc à espérer le retour de notre Maître bien-aimé lorsque tout à coup, un des dévots qui est assis juste à côté de moi,  crie avec joie qu’il vient de recevoir un message de notre cher Baba. Il essaie de lire la lettre, mais il n’est pas capable et il cherche ses lunettes pour mieux voir. Je regarde alors le message de Baba et je vois qu’il est écrit dans une langue étrangère que je ne connais pas. Mais soudainement, j’entends très clairement la voix mélodieuse de bien-aimé  Baba qui nous dit ceci : « Je vais arriver très bientôt ». Toute heureuse de cette merveilleuse nouvelle, je m’exclame alors avec enthousiasme en annonçant à tous : « Bien-aimé Baba nous annonce qu’Il va arriver très bientôt». Tout le monde est  super heureux de cette grande nouvelle. Puis quelques instants plus tard, Sai Baba le Roi glorieux  arrive dans le stadium. Les dévots tous heureux s’approchent  de Lui et je suis en arrière de la foule avec mon conjoint. Puis soudain, bien-aimé Baba  me regarde avec plein d’amour et Il dit ceci: « Marie est ma plus grande dévot sur toute la terre» et ensuite Il me demande de m’approcher vers Lui. . J’avance et je me prosterne à ses divins pieds en pleurant à chaudes larmes, tellement je suis heureuse de Le voir. Je ressens alors  la douleur et le poids de toutes ces années de sacrifices que j’ai vécu, sortir de mon être. Puis soudain, je regarde mon Maître bien-aimé et je Lui dis ceci : « Baba ma vie est tellement lourde d’épreuves, si tu ne guéris pas Katherine, Yvon et moi, nous allons mourir ». Bien-aimé Baba me sourit tendrement avec beaucoup d’amour et de compassion et Il me dit ceci : « Je sais Marie. Je vais guérir Katherine ». En m’éveillant je ressens très fortement la présence de bien-aimé Baba auprès de moi et je sais au plus profond de moi qu’Il va revenir sur terre très bientôt.

Editors' Comments:

We couldn't help but notice the similarities between this dream experience and a few other experiences published in STKC before. A few excerpts are given below:

Swami entered a jam packed indoor stadium. There was tremendous enthusiasm and Swami walked briskly to give a talk. He was not with a translator, and I felt this time He decided to talk in English. Not everyone was in white and white, clearly showing it was the general public who rushed to get His darshan...


It looked nothing like the Sai Kulwant hall. Instead it was a big stadium or something like  that and we were casually going for Darshan. A lot of people were already there waiting but the sevadals were relaxed and you could just walk in and stand somewhere. As we were walking into this big ground, suddenly there was a lot of excitement in the crowd and people started running to the front, so I too ran and saw Swami coming in a chariot-like vehicle from a distance...


I saw people gathered in millions, in Hill View stadium. Everywhere there were banners heralding, 'God returned! Swami returned!' It was amazing. Then I saw Baba in Shanti Vedika standing and giving Darshan to everyone.


I had a dream where Swami had returned. In the dream, before returning, Swami started talking from the skies and all of us went mad. Parthi was over crowded. Very Ill people were brought in stretchers to the stadium. Swami said among other things, "I HAVE COME - GO SIT AND WAIT FOR MY DARSHAN" and we all ran to the stadium. Then Swami appeared! People in the stretchers who could not move earlier started dancing in joy. Flowers fell from the heavens. Then I saw Swami coming towards us. I saw His beautiful feet revealling amidst His ornage robes.

Shared by a devotee who prefers to stay anonymous


Posted by: Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma


KARTHIKEYAN2016-10-09 10:29#
Sairam Sister Marie, Thank You for sharing these beautiful and confirming Dreams!
steve pearce
steve pearce2016-10-09 15:29#
Thankyou sooooo much Marie for sharing your experiences with us, each time some one shares their dreams of Swami coming back I get reminded that the Evil that is running rampant on this planet at the moment will soon be removed and that brings me joy. May your daughters be healed and that we all get to see Swami again in the near future or even NOW.

Thanks to Karthikeyan for the image with Swami in the stadium, I am a football fan and I would love to see swami appear in a football stadium.
Carlos Tonki
Carlos Tonki2016-10-09 15:40#
Thank you Marie,very encouraging dream, pining for SWAMI.
How incredible lucky after countless lifes are SAI devotees to be present at this incredible, one of a kind "event".
SAI love for you and all
Anand Rupakula
Anand Rupakula2016-10-09 19:01#
In this context i would like to share a dream of mine which i had a few years ago; I was in a two storied building in the balcony of the second storey along with the brother of mine, Suddenly i turned and looked over the balcony and saw huge sprawling grounds with teeming crowds assembled in an organised way the likes of which i have never seen before and Swami coming by a vehicle and giving darshan.
Mark2016-10-09 22:12#
Wonderful Marie! Thanks so much for sharing and many Blessings & much Love that your heavy load may be lifted soon. Swami dreams are few & far between for me this past year. However recently I had few dreams. One very comforting where He told me very earnestly "don't give up Hope" and His Love was strong but He gave me distinct sense that our Faith was hugely important so it was really nice to read your dreams. Om Sai Ram
saisarannaga2016-10-10 05:29#
Sairam! It is again a long time waiting for You! Even the encouraging posts by devotees seems far apart! We are not aware of Your time scale which is different from human time. Please come soon and bless the suffering humanity, especially women and children, who suffer torture from the hands of extremist elements all over the world!
Apurva2016-10-10 06:36#
Sairam!! Thanks for sharing the dreams dear sister Marie ! I recollect a dream i had last year around Dussehra time, where i was witnessing the Ravana dahana and in an instant i was suddenly transferred along with my family/friends to another place/planet from where i saw entire earth burning. I was saved by Swami and divine mother was my feeling.
P C Nayak, SILIGURI, INDIA2016-10-11 12:47#
On the early morning of 10th october, I had a very beautiful and crystal clear dream of Swami in a small gathering. He was walking and instructing to devotees. Suddenly, He called me and gave me very clear direction about one of my official duty, which is going to happen. The dream was so clear that I could not recollect His face. But, He was walking smoothly, that means, He was younger. I hope that He may come back as early as possible.
Carlos Tonki
Carlos Tonki2016-10-11 23:24#
Sai Ram
Your dream is similar to one I had some months ago, at least specific instruction given by Swami. I was inside a big new storage building. Inside this building was Swami and me, it was empty, except for a few empty carton boxes. Swami was inspecting one of this boxes and i was about 3 meters away (9 ft) and i asked Swami if He could make the box get bigger. The box got a little bigger and at the same time I got the feeling that miracles are not very important so i should stop asking for miracles. Then Swami told me" I will give you a job behind the scene after the huge conflict,a big war, a holocaust then His voice turned like a poorly sintonized radio, i just could not make up what He was saying. In the dream i got the feeling this building was a sort of food distribution center.
Swami was about 40 years old.
Note: It seems many devotees are having dreams of something that is going to happen, different views of same event.
Devotees are saved and we are going to be fully engaged in golden age.
SAI LOVE for you and all
Anand Rupakula
Anand Rupakula2016-10-13 11:03#
Sairam Carlos Tonki,
Your dream is yet another affirmation from Swami regarding the impending war which ought to be between the Muslim powers, Russia and America and the Avatar manifesting himself to stop the war, as conveyed to Dr.Gadhia. Thanks for sharing your valuable dream.
saisarannaga2016-10-14 05:20#
The involvement of US and Russia in the war do not auger well for the world.Already there is bombing on civilian localities in Syria. If they target one terrorist, one hundred civilians are killed of which many are children. This is the same case in Yemen and Afghanistan. The condition is no good in West Africa. Every thing point out to the sad trend of heavy destruction of innocent humanity! We have to just witness all these atrocities. We are impatient. But He knows when to commence the great churning? If He chooses, we will be protected!
val2016-10-14 14:44#
Thank You Marie. I have been waiting to read another dream from a devotee re Swami and His return. Many people are commenting on war in the news and the alternative news. Hopefully He will come SOON!
Sai Ram to all
Bruno2016-10-14 19:02#
Muy Bello ... yo tambien hace poco tiempo atrás Swami vino a mi Sueño y me sucedio lo mismo que a ti, muy amorosamente Swami y yo nos tomábamos las manos y yo se las besaba ... El me miraba y me bendice con todo su Amor a través de su sonrisa y su profunda mirada !!!
suneesh2016-10-18 13:32#
Im very optimistic about near future. God in form of Mother Kaali had offered me life changing moments in within 101 days. 101th day is jan 23 2017. I believe we are about to witness those moments which we all waited so impatiently. At this moment im so thankful for all the challenges and difficulties which Swami gave me. Today im so confident in calling myself a devotee. He is so installed in my heart. Sairam
Yaani2016-10-27 18:05#
"I will arrive very soon," Baba reassuringly promises Marie on Sept. 30. Soon sounds so hopeful. We are all so eager. Baba cannot say when, or He would. It will be at exactly the right time. It will be at the very earliest possible time. It will be sooner than we expect. Soon gives us hope. Soon gives us patience. Soon keeps us going. Soon means as soon as possible. If Swami gave a date, it could not possibly be then, because all must line up exactly right for this most holy and glorious of events ever ever ever to take place on our beloved weary war-torn climate challenged planet. The moment Baba arrives everything will shift dramatically and quickly toward heaven on earth. It is worth waiting just a little longer dear dear dear brothers and sisters, in hope, in love, in joy at the unbelievable good fortune to be present to witness very very soon. Jai Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Shantimaya2017-05-10 14:55#
Om Jai Sai Ram
Satrughna2020-11-09 07:51#
I dreamed that someone had made a huge and marvellous model of the earth. It was so big that lots of people could drive around it in their cars. I drove over 'the Atlantic ocean'towards the islands of Svalbard way up North and found an island ehere its maker resided in a tall house. As I walked around looking for that man, with some admiration for his work, suddenly Baba appeared beside me. He said, Why are you so in awe of a copy when the One who made the real earth is here? He was so very kind and loving.... He answered lots of questions from people and dealt out candy. He looked much younger and full of energy.
Then I woke up. Later I realised it was a reference to the current situation on earth. I have been watching the US election drama play itself out and trusting that everything will play out for the best. But Swami tells me to only focus on Him. Do not look at the copy but direct all thoughts to the Lord of the Universe.
Shantimaya Siri
Shantimaya Siri2020-12-22 18:31#
Om Jai Sai Ram
Shantimaya Siri
Shantimaya Siri2020-12-22 18:29#
Om Jai Sai Ram

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Published by Aanchal Sai Sharma & Sneha Sharma

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