- Published on 20 December 2016
By Karthikeyan
Sairam to all fellow SKTCians, I request all to take the below article only as an analysis and not as a prediction on the date of Swami’s Reappearance. Only Bhagawan knows His plans and His day of Reappearance.
I feel there is a possibility of Swami’s reappearance on the Smartha Ekadesi Day - December 24, 2016 Saturday - 3:32 AM up to December 25, 2016 Sunday 5:33 AM, based on the following factors.
1) The “Ekadesi Day” seems to be important in the context of Swami's Reappearance. We believe that Swami Himself Re-emerged on the Vaikunta Ekadesi Day, December 31, 2014 based on certain dreams and visions. In the month of January 2015, many devotees had dreams of Swami's Re-emergence (not to be confused with reappearance). Please click here for a list of articles regarding this.
2) From a dream: “I looked Him in the eye and what a bright twinkle in those lovely pair of eyes, there was. I also saw Swami making all those hand gestures like He earlier used to. Swami looked young, hale and healthy, dressed in a white robe. (I felt all this indicated the time just before Christmas……..)”
From the above points, we can see a possibility of Swami coming on a Ekadesi Day just before Christmas. December 24, 2016 3:32 AM up to December 25, 2016 5:33 AM coincides with both these factors.
Please also refer to this article “A hint” which describes the possibility of Swami's Reappearance this year.
December 24, 2016 Saturday - 3:32 AM up to December 25, 2016 Sunday 5:33 AM "could be" the day of Reapperance of our dear Swami.
I hope and pray that this Smartha Ekadesi Day turns out to be a “Smart" Ekadesi Day of Swami’s Reappearance!