Manorama Vyas (Translation: Gujarati)

Translator: Mrs.Manorama Vyas
Translation Language: Gujarati
Dedicated at His Divine Lotus Feet on: March 17, 2014

By Swami's Grace,  the Gujarati Translation of "Sai, Thy Kingdom Come" was dedicated at His Divine Lotus Feet on the auspicious day of Holi in 2014. Translation was done by Mrs.Manorama Vyas who currently serves as the President of Jersey City Sai Center in New Jersey, USA.

From the Translator's Pen

Aum Sai Ram

It is Swami's Grace and my great fortune that I got the inspiration to do Gujarati translation of 'Sai Thy Kingdom Come' which is a milestone book in the Sai literature.  

I read this book in November 2012 and it made great impression on my mind. Like a valued treasure, I have kept it in my mind and the book's powerful effect prevails. Once I met Brother Sreejith in Jersey City Seva and congratulated him on writing such a powerful book. Then, after a few months, my 'phone friend' Hansa Patel, called me from Nashville, Tennessee, asking me if I had seen Sreejith's interview conducted by Ted Henry and Jody Cleary. I had not at the time, but followed up immediately by accessing the respective web site. Soon after, I had a strong desire and prompt from inside to translate this book in Gujarati. For two days I was thinking about it and all the time was moving about in the palace of these thoughts of translating this book!

I realized that it is necessary for me to obtain author's permission for translating the book. So, as if the Swami was prompting me to call Sreejith, I made contact with him and Baba's work started.  Doing this translation has been like Sadhana or Tapasya. This book had been translated to 13 languages at that time (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Malayalam, Telugu, Russian, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, and so on). And I thought to myself, why not in Gujarati? Gujarati language has its place in world languages because you can find speakers of Gujarati in all corners of the world. One eminent Gujarati poet Khabardar has said, "Wherever lives even one Gujarati, there will always be Gujarat"!

My deep-seated yearning is for the Golden Age to dawn and I am convinced that, whatever Swami's Divine words and promises there are, they will all be fulfilled as attested by this book. His words will never fail. I have full conviction in that. Sreejith, with his ardent devotion and intelligent research, has increased a thousand-fold hopes of unity and brotherhood of men in this world that will be brought about when Swami comes again.

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