Purnawarman & Vijay Kumar (Translation: Indonesian)
With Swami's Grace, the Indonesian translation of Sai Thy Kingdom Come, "SAI, DATANGLAH KERAJAAN-MU" was dedicated at His Divine Lotus Feet on the auspicious occasion of Bhagawan's 88th Birthday. Translation was done by Sri Purnawarman and Sri Vijay Kumar from Jakarta, Indonesia. Sri Purnawarman is a writer member of the Sai Monthly Magazine "Wahana Dharma". He has been giving talks about Bhagawan and His teachings to both Sai devotees and non Sai devotees alike. He plays a very important role in spreading the message of STKC and Swami's return throughout Indonesia.
Translator's note - By Sri Purnawarman
I was born in Sumatra Utara (North Sumatra) – Medan city, Indonesia. I heard about Sri Sathya Sai Baba when I was just 4 years old. I attended my first Bhajan when I was twelve but before that my grandfather used to take me to Satsangs at Theosophical Society in Medan. I love yoga very much. I am part of ‘Smiling Stars’ Teachers: Sathya Sai Program on education in Jakarta Indonesia. I give regular talks on Swami's teachings in Jakarta, Bali and other places. I am now in the process of translating (along with Vijay Kumar) some spiritual books including Sri Rudram and Rudra Tattva. I am one of the writers in "Wahana Dharma" – A Sai Monthly Magazine.
God is mysterious, that we all know. No one can fully describe God. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is not an ordinary Avatar. It is true that He has ‘left the body’. However, it is also true that He will come again in the Sathya Sai Form. This is something that never happened in any of the previous Avatars. Did this happen in the lives of Rama and Krishna? No.
Rama lived as a Prince. He made the cursed Ahalya into a woman again and destroyed all the demons. He performed many deeds that could not be performed by the kings of that time. Krishna also performed many actions which were beyond the capabilities of humans. In His childhood, He killed many asuras and protected all the villagers from the anger of Indra by lifting the Govardhana Hill. He turned the hunchback Kubja into a beautiful woman. He brought back to life His Guru’s son who had been dead for twelve years. Immediately, upon entering life, He established His God state through many wonders. In one night, He built a new city, Dwarka and moved all of the Yadava clan there from Mathura. Krishna revealed His Viswaroopa on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.
Swami is like a thousand Ramas and a thousand Krishnas in one form. He can do anything! He can leave one body and come in another. If He can return the life of His Guru’s son, after the boy had been dead for twelve years, can He not come in a new body after He has left the old one? It is this that is told in Swami’s Nadis.
SAI THY KINGDOM COME – Divine words on earth and the words of wisdom!!! Great work by Sreejith Narayan. I have no words to describe this book. The book is God Himself!!! Even the wicked alcoholics when read this book, would know the path of God and will be redeemed. Knowing Sai means knowing oneself.
I am extremely happy that Swami made me an instrument for translating this wonderful book which talks about the events that will surprise and shake up the entire world. Sairam!
Translator's note - By Sri Vijay Kumar
Sairam to all readers. I should say I am relatively new in Swami's fold. I heard about Baba a long time ago. However it was through my brother-in-law Purnawarman that I gained faith in Swami. Since then, being an English teacher, I have been trying to help by translating devotees' works. I am very happy that I could help with the translation of Sai Thy Kingdom Come. However, frankly speaking, I feel I have not done much Seva and I hope to do more and more in the coming years.