Published on 18 October 2012
Sreejith Narayan
Before I go into the story, let me define who a light-worker is:
Lightworkers are souls who carry the strong inner desire to spread light, i.e., knowledge, love and peace on earth. A Lightworker would have reached a particular stage of enlightenment and is usually bestowed with some mystical abilities that enable them to carry out their mission more effectively.
(If you are wondering what STKC is - It is the abbreviation for "Sai Thy Kingdom Come”).
The Lightworker in our story is a long-time Sai devotee who lives in the USA and has received many blessed interactions with Swami. He, along with his wife, has been conducting meditation workshops across the world and written books on Swami and various spiritual topics. A well known name in Sai circles, he has a special gift given by Swami - He gets regular visions/dreams of Swami through which Swami gives him specific instructions and advices. Since he chose to be anonymous for this story, I will henceforth address him as Mr.LW (for LightWorker).
Now to the story:
[The above content is only an intro. To read the whole article, please click on the Read more button below]