Blog Articles




Sairam dears,

Do you feel a quiet stillness pervading the air? Like the proverbial calm before the storm? Do you have a compelling anticipation of something really big just around the corner? 

Well, if you do, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

As some of you may have noticed, i have been in the "wait and watch" mode since the dream last year and not inclined to change that just yet. However, the feeling that we are approaching the "big day" is welling up within me and has become too intense to be ignored! 

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Your Word

By Jullie Chaudhuri

Your words, my sweet Lord…
…proclaim and denote Your Word… 
…a shimmering pledge…divinely purled…
…a promised undertaking heavenly aparelled…
…that can never be flawed…
…nor ignored…
With sun rays and moonbeams marvellously embroidered,
Nothing can impede the manifestation of Your Word…

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He is coming!


Here is an excerpt from a letter written to me by Sri C. R. Parthasarathy, the author of the book "Back to Reality".  Sri Parthasarathy had numerous visions of the Sathya Sai form and Divine Revelations through those visions.

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The Soul is aware only of this...

By Jullie Chaudhuri

24th April 2011...
What does this day mean to you...what does it mean to me...?
What import does it have cosmically...?
Different sentiments felt by different folks...yet, underlying it all is the fact that a colossal void is left behind.
Quite obvious, totally inescapable and utterly unavoidable is the oft gnashing pain to see the Beloved One again...

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Beloved Mother Sai...Your Presence Is Our Sole Solace...

By Jullie Chaudhuri

The events of March and April 2011...
...did the joy of kismet turbulently dampen...
...the vital force...the spirit felt beaten... rise to an alarming cry from deep within...
...a cry of revolt...
...spiralling occurrences that shattered the mould...
...having the effect of a scorching thunderbolt...
...that gave a severe jolt... each and every devoted soul...

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The Melody Of Faith...The Verse Of Hope And...Beloved Mother Sai

By Jullie Chaudhuri 

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Nothing can slow Him down!

Sreejith Narayan

A few months ago I had a wonderful dream on Swami's Reappearance which I had shared during some of my talks.

In the dream I saw Swami has returned looking young, vibrant and beaming with great energy. 

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Are We Ready?

Sreejith Narayan

Sairam dear ones,

I am writing this in the wake of emails and messages floating around with unnecessary speculations concerning the identities of the Divine Duo mentioned in some of the recent dream experiences. I feel we must stop all these unfounded arguments in the lines of "it might be this person or that". To be honest, my focus is solely on Swami and the Reappearance. For me, He is all names and forms. At the same time I do understand (and as indicated in the recent dream experiences) that there are Divine beings who have incarnated on this earth at this time in order to be with the Avatar and to be part of His Mission. In the future when Swami Himself reveals their identities, we will all be happy to know (as when He had revealed Swami Vivekananda's reincarnation as Nalin Sedera). Until then let us not allow our focus to drift.

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Why fear when He is here?


Sreejith Narayan

After the few recent posts on, devotees have been emailing me with concerns that such messages about probable disasters are generating much fear and anxiety, taking the focus away from the positive nature of this website. Since some have sought my opinion on this, I would like to express my humble views here. 

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Our prayers can save this world

Sreejith Narayan

There are many prophecies and dreams/visions of devotees from around the world that foretell impending destruction to the earth. Edgar Cayce, a renowned psychic had predicted many such dreadful calamities.

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A loving note to all from the STKC team

Aum Sri Sai Ram

Love My Uncertainty - Baba

So many devoted hearts, so many blessed visions and dreams, so many eager souls craving glad tidings, so many thinking minds with just one goal – glimpses of the Beloved Master, the fulfillment of His distinct Utterances. 

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Sarva Karana Karanam

By Jullie Chaudhuri 

24th April 2011, shattered something deep within gave a million watt jolt to my soul...the spirit lay broken and whimpering in a lonely corner smashed into smithereens...helplessly hopeless...hopelessly helpless...emotions greyed and foundations frayed...left over tremors of that tumultuous shock are a reality even at this present moment.

Agony suffused each cell of the being...i was still alive, yet, i wondered where was my Life...

Anguish submerged ‘joie de vivre’ from every bit of living, utterly...till i heard that oh! so-familiar and dearly loved voice during few moments of restless sleep...sleep so elusive...and an appetite for existence so dry and evaporated...negligible and plaintive...engulfing the hollow hours and days that survived this ‘creation shattering event’...trying to coax a response...deepen an understanding...nudge some heart into living.

It was a lucid command so simple yet so impactful...that forcefully...extremely sternly stated – ‘Be Patient’.

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He His

By Jullie Chaudhuri

With every breath i am aware there’s so much much that is left unsaid...

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One Day Soon...

By Jullie Chaudhuri 

One day soon...
To His Essence... His Essential Presence...
...our awareness and substance does attune...
...the Lord will once again...
...spectacularly acquiesce to creation’s call...

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Sreejith Narayan

My dream in the early hours of July 28th, 2014.

In the dream I was pestering Swami with so many questions, one after the other. Non-stop!

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Strengthen The Will...Manifest That Miracle

By Jullie Chaudhuri 

Dear Sisters and Brothers...Let's understand that there is a higher purpose hidden from view...something profound...something beyond any narrow thinking. The time has come, to harness the inner reinforce the unimaginable power of the inherent ‘Shakti’ tap the tremendous immenseness of the soul.

So, come dear ones...Let us all join strengthen our collective will and manifest that miracle. That golden occurrence which would set humanity as well as the whole of creation forever free!

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"He will come when the time is ripe for Him"

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Will Swami be back in the same body?

Sreejith Narayan

Since this question has come up from time to time, been put forth by different devotees, I decided to provide my humble views in this article. To answer this question, I would like to split it into two parts.

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"Your prayers will pull Me in to this form again"!

Sreejith Narayan

Three days after Swami left His body, I received an email from a close friend with the contents of a letter that supposedly materialized in a devotee’s home in Chennai, India. Even though the email did not have a copy attached, the original letter was said to be in Swami’s hand writing. The message in the letter was so astounding that I decided to trace its source and verify the authenticity. However after much fruitless effort I abandoned the quest and abstained from sharing the letter without its legitimacy verified.

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"I Shall Resurrect And Come Again"!

Sreejith Narayan

Not many Sai devotees believe in Swami’s reappearance. That being the case, one can imagine how surprised I would have been to hear of a non-Sai-devotee who firmly believes in the return of Sri Sathya Sai Baba!

Aarthi Balaji, a facebook friend, shared this amazing story of how Swami inspired someone who was not a Sai devotee to believe in His reappearance. 

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The Kodai Incident: "Reappearance"?

Sreejith Narayan

Over the past few days I have been closely following the news coming in regarding Swami's Kodaikanal "Appearance". I have verified the news through reliable sources including the father of one of the boys who was part of the Kodaikanal gathering. From what I know, only one boy was able to see Swami and hear His Discourse. So this boy was repeating what Swami was saying. Nevertheless, it is exciting news!

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